\documentclass{article} \usepackage{CJK} \textwidth=18.0cm \textheight=25.0cm \oddsidemargin=-0.75cm \topmargin=-1.5cm \begin{document} \begin{CJK}{UTF8}{aming} \title{{可擴展標示語言之文件處理:理論與實務}\\ XML Document Processing: Theory and Practice} \author{(Course Number: 725 U3420)} \date{Fall 2008} \maketitle \begin{trivlist} \item[] {\bf Place and Time} \\ Room 309 in Common Courses Building, Wednesday 14:30 -- 17:20. \item[] {\bf Course Website} \\ \verb+http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~trc/public/courses/Fall2008/+ \item[] {\bf Instructor} \\ {莊庭瑞 (中央研究院 資訊科學研究所 副研究員)}\\ Tyng--Ruey Chuang (Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica)\\ E--mail: trc@iis.sinica.edu.tw, Website: \verb+http://www.iis.sinica.edu.tw/~trc/+\\ Office hours: Monday 4:50 -- 6:40 pm at Room 716 in Management Building I.\\ Office phone numbers: 02-3366-1200 ext.\ 20 (Monday 4:50 -- 6:40 pm only), 02-2788-3799 ext.\ 1608 (Academia Sinica). \item[] {\bf Teaching Assistant} \\ {張欽隆} Chin-Lung Chang\\ E--mail: evirt@iis.sinica.edu.tw, Tel: (02) 2788 3799 ext.\ 1663 (Academia Sinica). \item[] {\bf Schedule} \begin{description} \item[(Part 1) 09/17] Document markup languages; HTML and SVG examples; Why XML? \item[(Part 1) 09/24] XML Recommendation --- DTD (Document Type Definition); Case study: RSS 0.91, QAML, XBEL. \item[(Part 1) 10/01] XML Recommendation --- language code, character set, text encoding; XML Namespace. \item[(Part 1) 10/08] ({\bf Guest Lecturer: Yi-Hong Chang {張藝鴻}}) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). \item[(Part 2) 10/15] XPath (XML Path Language). \item[(Part 2) 10/22] XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations). \item[(Part 2) 10/29] DOM (Document Object Model). \item[(Part 2) 11/05] XML in Web programming: Server-side/client-side XSLT, client-side ECMAscripting, etc. \item[(Part 3) 11/12] XML DTD revisited; Case study: Ruby, XBEL, XHTML Modulation. \item[(Part 3) 11/19] ({\bf Guest Lecturer: Chin-Lung Chang {張欽隆}}) XML Schema --- Structures \& Datatypes. \item[(Part 3) 11/26] Relax NG; Case study: Atom. \item[(Part 3) 12/03] Comparisons of XML schema languages; issues in XML document validation. \item[(Part 3) 12/10] RDF (Resource Description Framework). \item[(Part 4) 12/17] {\em (Project proposal due)} Balanced context-free grammars. \item[(Part 4) 12/24] Regular tree grammars; tree automata. \item[(Part 4) 12/31] Validated XML processors; Case study: CDuce. \item[(Part 4) 12/07] XML research topics. \item[(Part 5) 01/14] {\em (Project presentation)} \end{description} \item [] {\bf Reference Book (Recommended)}\\ Elliotte Rusty Harold \& W. Scott Means. {\em XML in a Nutshell}, 3rd edition. Sept.\ 2004, O'Reilly Media, Inc. \item[] {\bf Grade} \\ Homework (60\%) and project (40\%). \end{trivlist} \end{CJK} \end{document}