訪問學人  |  何建明  
Professional activities
  1. Associate Editor, IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, USA (1998–2004)
Conference Services
  1. Co-General Chair, The 12th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications, Kaoshiung, Taiwan (2019/11–2019/11)
  2. Steering Committee Member, The 30th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Kaoshiung, Taiwan (2019/08–2019/08)
  3. Steering Committee Member, The 29th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Tainan, Taipei (2018/08–2018/08)
  4. Session Chair, International Forum on Taichungology pivots on anthroposophy , Taichung, Taiwan (2017/10–2017/10)
  5. Steering Committee Member, The 28th VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Kenting, Taiwan (2017/08–2017/08)
  6. Advisory Member on Subject 1, Section 3, National S&T Submit (全國科技會議), Taipei (2016/07–2016/12)
  7. Convener, Forum on science and IT policies on sharing economy and service industry(科技資訊分享服務產業政策論壇), Taipei, Taiwan (2016/07–2016/07)
  8. Local Arrangement, IEEE COMSOC 2015, Taichung, Taiwan (2015/05–2015/07)
  9. Steering Committee Member, The VLSI Design/CAD Conference, Taiwan (2011/08–present)
  10. Organization of Topic II, Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, Taiwan (2010/11–2010/11)
  11. Organizing Committee, Conference on Foresight Taiwan Initiative, Taiwan (2010/11–2010/11)
  12. Symposium General Co-Chair, IEEE MamSOE'08(APSCC-2008), Taiwan/Yilan (2008/09–2008/12)
  13. Advisory Board Member, ICS 2008, Taiwan/the Ministry of Education (2008)
  14. General Co-Chair, Conference on Enterprise Open Source Software, ICESA, Taiwan (2007)
  15. Steering committees member, IEEE EEE’(e-Technology, e-Commerce, and e-Service), Hong Kong (2005/03–2005/04)
  16. General Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, Taiwan (2004/03–2004/03)
  17. General Co-Chair, 2004 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, Taiwan (2004)
  18. Steering committees member, National Computer Symposium, Taiwan (2003)
  19. General Co-Chair, IEEE RTAS 2001, Taiwan (2001)
  20. Steering committees member, International Conference on Open Source, Taiwan (2001–2003)
  21. Steering committees member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Taiwan/Taiwan IC Design Society (2000–2008)
  22. General Co-Chair, International Symposium on Multi-Technology Information Processing, Taiwan (1997)
  23. Program Chair, Symposium on Real-time Media Systems, Taipei (1994–1998)
TPC/PC Members
  1. Program Committee Member, The 10 th IEEE International Conference on Service Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2017), Kanazawa, Japan (2017/06–2017/11)
  2. Program Committee Member on Industry and Government Track, IEEE Big Data, Boston, USA (2017/05–2017/11)
  3. Program Committee Member on Government and Industry Track, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, DC, USA (2016/08–2016/10)
  4. Program Committee, Industry and Government, IEEE Big Data 2015, CA, USA (2015/05–2015/12)
  5. Session IV, "Crossing the Chasm of Academic Research and Industry", National S&T Conference, Taiwan (2012/05–2012/12)
  6. Program committee, IEEE CEC EEE, Crystal City, Washington, D.C.,USA (2007/12–2008/07)
  7. Program Committee Member, Conference on Middleware, Taiwan (2005)
  8. Program Committee Member, Taiwan Linux Forum , Taiwan (2005)
  9. Program Committee Member, Conference on Enterprise Open Source Software, Taiwan (2005)
  10. Program committee member, 4th IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bio Engineering, Taichung, Taiwan (2004)
  11. Program committee member, Foundry Day, Forging Expertise, Taiwan (2004)
  12. Program committee member, Yet Another Perl Conference, Taiwan (2004–2005)
  13. Program committee member, Fourth Asia Open Source Symposium, Taiwan (2004)
  14. Program committee member, ICOS, Taiwan (2004–2005)
  15. Program Committee Co-Chair, APEC Workshop on Resource Sharing in Digital Libraries, Taiwan (2004)
  16. Program Chair, Usenix Asia BSD Conference 2004, Taiwan (2004)
  17. Program committee member, IEEE Conference on Electronic Commerce, USA (2003)
  18. Program Committee Co-Chair, ICOS, Taiwan (2003)
  19. Program committee member, The 13th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, Taiwan (2002)
  20. Program committee member, The 8th Workshop on Mobile Computing, Taiwan (2002)
  21. Program Committee Co-Chair, APEC Workshop on e-Learning and Digital Libraries, Taiwan (2002)
  22. Program Chair, International Conference on Digital Archive Technology, Taiwan (2002–2004)
  23. Program committee member, Summer Institute on Bioinformatics, Taiwan (2001)
  24. Program committee member, Workshop on Information Society and Digital Divide, Taiwan (2001)
  25. Program committee member, IEEE ICDCS, 1999, USA (1999)
  26. Program committee member, IEEE Workshop on Dependable and Real-Time E-Commerce Systems (DARE'98), USA (1998)
  27. Program committee member, VLSI Design/CAD Symposium, Taiwan (1994–1999)
Referee for Journals
  1. Reviewer, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, Elsvier (2017/04–2017/04)
  1. member, Planet-Lab Global Distributed Computing Lab, USA (2004/06–2005)
  2. Member, ACM, USA (1996–present)
  3. Member, IEEE, USA (1980/01–present)
Society Service
  1. Steering Committee Member, AI on Chip Consortium, Taiwan (2018/07–present)
  2. Steering Committee Member, Pilot on AI startups, Taipei, Taiwan (2018/06–present)
  3. Director and Founding Member, Taiwan Association on Financial Technology, Taipei, Taiwan (2016/10–present)
  4. Section Chair, IEEE Taipei Chapter, Computer Section, Taipei (2016/01–present)
  5. Director, Board of Directors, Yuan T. Lee Foundation Science Education for All, Taiwan (2015/09–present)
  6. Director, Board of Directors, Taiwan Smart Living Space Association , Taiwan (2014/01–present)
  7. Advsiory Member, TICD, Taiwan IC Design Society, Taipei, Taiwan (2013/01–present)
  8. Think Tank Member and Reviewer, Germination Initiative, MOST, Taipei, Taiwan (2008/08–present)
  9. Advisory Committee Member, International Mathematics and Science Olympiad, MOE, Taiwan, Taiwan (2006)
  10. Director, Board of Directors, Computer Society of ROC, Taiwan (2005/01–2017/12)
  11. Director, Board of Directors, Institute of Information & Computing Machinery, Taiwan (2005/01–present)
  12. Director, Board of Directors, Wu San-Lien Taiwan Historical Archives Center, Taiwan (2002/06–present)