
refereed Journal papers

  1. Deng, D.-P., R. Lemmens, M.-J. Kraak, T.-R. Chuang. Semantically Extract Information from Twitter Messages to Support Disaster Relief, submitted to Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.

  2. Hong, N.-M., H.-J. Chu, Y.-P. Lin, D.-P. Deng. Effects of Land cover changes induced by large physical disturbances on hydrological responses in Central Taiwan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 166 (1-4): 503-520, 2010.

  3. Huang, C.-H., Chuang, T.-R., Deng, D.-P., H.-M. Lee. Building GML-native Web-based Geographic Information Systems. Computers & Geosciences, 35(9):1802-1816, 2009.

  4. Lin, Y.-P., M. -S. Ye, D.-P. Deng, Y.-C. Wang. Geostatistical Approaches and Optimal Additional Sampling Schemes for Spatial Patterns and Future Sampling of Bird Diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17:175-188, 2008.

  5. Lin, Y.-B., Y.-P. Lin, D.-P. Deng. Integrating remote sensing with directional two-dimension wavelet analysis and open GIS for quick detecting landslide patterns induced by large natural disturbances. Sensors, 8: 1070-1089, 2008.

  6. Lin, Y.-P., D.-P. Deng, T.-K. Chang. Multivariate analysis of soil heavy metal pollution and landscape pattern in Changhua county in Taiwan. Landscape and Urban Planning, 62:19–35, 2002.

  7. Lin, Y.-P., T.-K. Chang, D.-P. Deng. Characterization of soil lead by comparing sequential Gaussian simulation, simulation annealing and Kriging methods. Environmental Geology, 41:189-199, 2001.

refereed Conference papers

  1. Deng, D.-P., G.-S. Mai, C.-H. Hsu, C.-L. Chang, T.-R. Chuang, K.-T. Shao. Utilizing Linkied Open Data Resources for Semantic Enhancement of User-Generated Content. In: Proceedings of the Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, JIST 2012, Nara, Japan, 2-4 December 2012, Springer, 2012.

  2. Deng, D.-P., G.-S. Mai, C.-H. Hsu, T.-R. Chuang, T.-E. Lin, H.-H. Lin, K.-T. Shao, R. Lemmens, M.-J. Kraak. 2012. Using Social Media for Collaborative Species identification and Occurrence: Issues, Methods, and Tools. In: Proceedings of the First ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information 2012 (GEOCROWD’12). ACM, New York, NY. ACM, 2012.

  3. Deng, D.-P. and R. Lemmens. An Ontology-based approach to incorporate user-generated geo-content into SDI, ISPRS Workshop on Geospatial Data Infrastructure: from data acquisition and updating to smarter services. Guilin, China, October, 2011.

  4. Deng, D.-P., T.-R. Chuang, and R. Lemmens. Conceptualization of place via spatial clustering and co-occurrence analysis. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks (LBSN '09). ACM, New York, NY, USA, pp. 49-56, 2009.

  5. Chang, C.-L., Y.-H. Chang, T.-R. Chuang, D.-P. Deng, A. W.-C. Huang. Narrative geospatial knowledge in ethnographies: Representation and reasoning. 3rd International Conference on GeoSpatial Semantics. Mexico City, Mexico, December, 2009. (Authors are listed by alphabetical)

  6. Deng, D.-P., T.-R. Chuang, R. Lemmens. Conceptualization of place via spatial clustering and co-occurrence analysis. International Workshop on Location Based Social Networks. Seattle, WA, USA, November, 2009.

  7. Chuang, T.-R., C.-L. Chang, Y.-H. Chang, D.-P. Deng and A. W.-C. Huang. Narrative geospatial knowledge about Taiwanese aboriginal settlements - A case study (Extended Abstract). In GIS in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2009 International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2009.

  8. Lemmems, R. and D.-P. Deng. Web 2.0 and Semantice Web: Clarifying the meaning of spatial features. In: Workshop of Semantic Web meets Geospatial Applications, held in conjunction with AGILE 2008, 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Girona, Sapin, May 5th, 2008.

  9. Deng, D.-P., Measurement of semantic similarity for land use and land cover classification systems. In Li, D., Gong, J. , Wu, H. (eds.): International Conference on Earth Observation Data Processing and Analysis (ICEODPA), Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7285, 72850J, 2008.

  10. Deng, D.-P., Building Ontologies of Place Name for Spatial Information Retrieval. MapAsia 2007, Kuala Lumpur convention Center (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 18-20, 2007.

  11. Huang, C.-H., T.-R. Chuang, D.-P. Deng, H.-M. Lee. Efficient GML-native processors for Web-based GIS: Techniques and tools. In: Proceeding of the 14th International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS), pages 91-98. Arlington, Virginia, USA. November, 2006.

  12. Lin, S.-H., C.-P. Chang, D.-P. Deng. Analysis of landscape pattern change of bald mudstone in southwestern Taiwan, The 6th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Darwin, Australia, 13-17 July 2003.

  13. Lin, Y.-P., D.-P. Deng, Y.-C. Tan. Estimating and Simulating Spatial Distribution of Transmissivity using Geostatistical methods, MODSIM 2001 Conference, Canberra, Australia, 2001.

  14. Lin, Y.-P., D.-P. Deng, , C.-F.Wu. Spatial continuity and fragmentation analysis of vegetation landscape at Lugiakan conservation area in Taiwan, The 16th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 2001.

  15. Lin, Y.-P., T.-K. Chang, D.-P. Deng, C.-F. Wu. A study of Landscape diversity and soil heavy metal pollution in an agricultural landscape, The 16th Annual Symposium of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 2001.

  16. Lin, Y.-P., D.-P. Deng. Comparing Effects of Different Sizes of Aggregation on Spatial Structure of Remotely Sensed Data, The 21st Asia Conference on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Taiwan, 2000.

  17. Lin, Y.-P., D.-P. Deng, C.-H. Tseng, C.-F Wu. Delineation of Soil Pollution by Using Geostatistics and GIS, Asia GIS 2001 Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2001.


  1. Deng, D.-P.,The Road to Opening Up Governmental Geospatial Data in Taiwan, In: the 23rd International CODATA Conference, Taipei, 28-31 October, 2012

  2. Deng, D.-P., TH Schee, S. K.-Y. Chuang, Crowdsourced radiation measurement network: An integration of OSM, OpenGeoSMS, and Safecast, Lightening Talk, The 6th Annual International OpenStreetMap Conference Tokyo, Japan, September 6th – 8th, 2012

  3. Deng, D.-P., T.-R. Chuang, C.-H. Huang, Toward GML-based Online GIS, GeoWeb 2006, Vancouver, BC, July 24-28, 2006.

  4. Deng, D.-P., Working with GML for Internet GIS: User Perspective and Experience. MapAsia 2006, Queen Sirkit National Conventional Center, Bangkok, Thailand, Aug. 29- Sept .1, 2006.

  5. Chang, C.-L., Y.-H. Chang, M. Chiang, D.-P. Deng, T.-R. Chuang, F.-T. Lin, S. Ho. Experience in building a GML-based interoperable geospatial system, GML And Geo-Spatial Web Services Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 18-22 July 2005.(The authors are listed by alphabet)

  6. Chang, C.-C., Deng, D.-P., Y.-P. Lin. Evaluating the forest landscape pattern change by natural disturbance: A case study of Chen-Yu-Lan watershed in Taiwan, MapAsia 2005, Jakarta, Indonesia, 22-25 August 2005. (Best Poster Award)


  1. 鄧東波,運用社群媒體於災害救援資訊製圖,《地圖》,21(2):1-22,2012。

  2. 莊庭瑞、鄧東波、黃韋菁,地理空間的協力探索,《科學發展》,416: 28-34, 八月, 2007。

  3. 鄧東波、莊庭瑞、林峰田、李田修,以地理標記語言建立異質地理資料之共享機制:以台北市政府為例,《國土資訊系統通訊》,52: 21-30, 2005。

  4. 林裕彬、吳振發、鄧東波,景觀生態面向指數分析汐止地區1990-2001年土地利用時空間鑲嵌特徵,《都市與計劃》,31(3):239-268,2004。

  5. 林裕彬、曾正輝、鄧東波,景觀生態指數於集水區整體景觀時空間型態變遷探討,《農業工程學報》,48(1):64-81,2002。

  6. 林裕彬、鄧東波,以衛星影像及碎形理論探討都市綠空間之發展結構--以臺北市信義計畫區為例,《都市與計劃》,28(2):127-154,2001。

  7. 鄧東波、林裕彬,以碎形維度探討中部地區建成地型態之研究,《人與地》,209:55-61, 2001。

  8. 林裕彬、鄧東波、譚義績,地理統計模擬法於斗六地區流通係數空間分佈模擬之研究,《農業工程學報》, 47(4):77-89, 2001。

  9. 林裕彬、鄧東波、曾正輝,以地理資訊系統及地理統計於空間資料分析之研究,《私立中國文化大學地理研究報告》,14:117-139, 2001。

  10. 林裕彬、鄧東波、吳振發,景觀生態計量方法於農業景觀生態系統之空間結構探討,《農業工程學報》,47(2):1-18,2001。

  11. 林裕彬、鄧東波、曾正輝,以地理資訊系統及地理統計於空間資料分析之研究,《私立中國文化大學地理研究報告》,14:117-139,2001。

  12. 林裕彬、鄧東波、陳秋楊、陳幸德、曾正輝,水資源永續經營管理之新方向--集水區生態水文與景觀生態概念,《水資源管理季刊》,3(3):8-18,2001。

  13. 林裕彬、鄧東波、鄭瑞鈞,以嵌塊體形狀指數與統計方法於埤塘景觀變遷之研究,《私立中國文化大學地理研究報告》,13:95-126,2000。


  1. 榮峻德、鄧東波、徐子涵、孫志鴻,開放地理資料之探討,2012年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,2012。

  2. 李昕迪、劉俊宏、鄧東波,自願性地理資訊之生產與管理—以開放街圖為例,2012年台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會,2012。

  3. 鄧東波,草根性的地名辭典: 由地理標籤形構地方的概念及空間,2011數位典藏地理資訊研討會,2011

  4. 鄧東波,由Flickr標籤建立地名的語意,臺灣地區地名查詢系統成果發表暨學術研討會,2009


Technical Reports

Chang, C.L., Chang, Y.H., Chuang, T.R., Deng, D.P., Huang, A. W.C. and Huang, C.H., The Web and Collaborative Geospatial Mapping: A Position Paper. Technical Report TR-IIS-06-011, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, September, 2006.(The authors are listed by alphabet)