Chia-Ping Chen and Chu-Song Chen, Lighting Normalization with Generic Intrinsic Illumination Subspace for Face Recognition, International Conference on Computer Vision, ICCV 2005, October 2005
Hsien-Ting Cheng, Yi-Hsiang Chao, Shih-Liang Yeh, Chu-Song Chen, Hsin-Min Wang, and Yi-Ping Hung, An Efficient Approach to Multi-modal Person Identity Verification by Fusing Face and Voice Information, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2005), July 2005
Wen-Yan Chang, Chu-Song Chen, and Yi-Ping Hung, Appearance-Guided Particle Filtering for Articulated Hand Tracking, IEEE Conference on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2005, June 2005
Chun-Rong Huang, Chu-Song Chen, and Pau-Choo Chung, Tangible Photo-Realistic Virtual Museum, February 2005
Chen, Meng Chang
Cheng Wei Lee, Li-Ming Chen, Meng Chang Chen and Yeali Sun, A Framework of Handoffs in Wireless Overlay Networks Based on Mobile IPv6, November 2005
Chien, Lee-Feng
Shui-Lung Chuang, Lee-Feng Chien, Taxonomy Generation for Text Patterns: A Practical Web-based Approach, October 2005
Pu-Jen Cheng, Hsin-Chen Chiao, Yi-Cheng Pan, and Lee-Feng Chien, Annotating Text Segments in Documents for Search, 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence, July 2005, short paper
Chien-Chung Huang, Kuan-Ming Lin, and Lee-Feng Chien, Automatic Training Corpora Acquisition through Web Mining, 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM Conference on Web Intelligence, July 2005
Derming Juang, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chen-Yu Lai, Ching-Chun Hsieh, Lee-Feng Chien, and Jan-Ming Ho, Resolving the Unencoded Character Problem for Chinese Digital Libraries, 2005 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, July 2005
Der-Ming Juang, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chen-Yu Lai, Ching-Chun Hsieh, Lee-Feng Chien, and Jan-Ming Ho, Resolving the Unencoded Character Problem for Chinese Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), June 2005
Chuang, Tyng-Ruey
Andrea Wei-Ching Huang and Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Commonsense Geography meets Web Technology: Online Community Mapping, Open GIS & Web GIS 2005 Conference Procedding, December 2005
Andrea Wei-Ching Huang and Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Online Community Mapping, The PNC 2005 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, November 2005, publish online
Chia-Hsin Huang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Hahn-Ming Lee, Prefiltering techniques for efficient XML document processing, 2005 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, November 2005
Po-An Chen, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Truthful Online Auctions for Pricing Peer-to-Peer Services, Proceedings of the 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology (CEC'05), July 2005
Po-An Chen and Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Truthful online auctions for pricing peer-to-peer services, 7th International IEEE Conference on E-Commerce Technology 2005, July 2005
Ho, Jan-Ming
In-Yee Lee, Wen-Chang Lin, Jan-Ming Ho, Gu-Liang Wang, Ming-Syan Chen, BIO101—EST Sequence Management and Annotation System, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 2005
In-Yee Lee, Jan-Ming Ho, and Ming-Syan Chen, CLUGO: A Clustering Algorithm for Automated Functional Annotations Based on Gene Ontology, The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, November 2005
In-Yee Lee, Jan-Ming Ho, Ming-Syan Chen, GOMIT: a generic and adaptive annotation algorithm based on gene ontology term distributions, IEEE Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, October 2005
Yun-Ching Chen, Chung-Der Hsiao, Jan-Ming Ho, Pung-Pung Huang,, Construction of ZOO-DDD Database for Mining Kidney-Specific Markers Conserved in Diverse Vertebrate Species, 2005 West Coast Zebrafish Meeting, September 2005
Jeng-Wei Lin, Li-Ming Tseng, Jan-Ming Ho, Feipei Lai, A Web Redirection Service for Variant Chinese Domain Name Resolution, 2005 International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA'2005), July 2005
Der-Ming Juang, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chen-Yu Lai, Ching-Chun Hsieh, Lee-Feng Chien, and Jan-Ming Ho, Resolving the Unencoded Character Problem for Chinese Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), June 2005
Shian-Ling Chu, Ching-Feng Weng, Chung-Der Hsiao, Pung-Pung Hwang, Yun-Ching Chen, Jan-Ming Ho and Shyh-Jye Lee., Profile analysis of expressed sequence tags derived from the ovary of tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, May 2005
Chin-Fu Ku, Sao-Jie Chen, Jan-Ming Ho, Ray-I Chang, Improving end-to-end performance by active queue management, 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications(AINA 2005), March 2005
Pei-Xian Kuo, Jyun-Jie Yan, and Jan-Ming Ho, From Education to e-Learning : A Union Catalog Service of Learning Resources, The 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE'05), March 2005
Hsin-Tsung Peng, Hahn-Ming Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho, Trading Decision Maker: Stock Trading Decision by Price Series Smoothing and Tendency Transition Inference, The 2005 IEEE International Conference on e-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service (EEE'05), March 2005, Hong Kong
Hsu, Tsan-sheng
Tsan-sheng Hsu and Ming-Yang Kao, Optimal Augmentation for Bipartite Componentwise Biconnectivity in Linear Time, January 2005
Hsu, Wen-Lian
Hsin-Nan Lin, Jia-Ming Chang, Kuen-Pin Wu, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, HYPROSP II - A knowledge-based hybrid method for protein secondary structure prediction based on local prediction confidence, August 2005
Hsin-Nan Lin, Kuen-Pin Wu, Jia-Ming Chang, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, GANA – A Genetic Algorithm for NMR Backbone Resonance Assignment, August 2005
Hwang, Wen-Liang
Jinn Ho, Wen-Liang Hwang, Henry Horn-Shing Lu, Der-Tsai Lee, Gridding the spot centers of Microarray Images, European Signal Processing Conference, September 2005, Also published in [J3]
Cho-Chun Cheng, Wen-Liang Hwang, Zuowei Shen, and Tao Xia, Advanced Motion Compensation Techniques For Blocking Artifacts Reduction in 3-D Video Coding Systems, Intl Conf on Image Processing, September 2005
Chun-Liang Tu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Jinn Ho, Analysis of Singularities from Modulous Maxima of Complex Wavelets, March 2005
Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Chung-Lin Huang, Efficient Post-Compression Error-Resilient 3D-Scalable Video Compression for Packet Erasure Channel, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, March 2005
Jengnan Tzeng, Wen-Liang Hwang, and I-Liang Chern, An Asymmetric Subspace Watermarking Method for Copyright Protection, February 2005
Jian-Liang Lin, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Soo-Chang Pei, SNR Scalability Based on Bitplane Coding of Matching Pursuit Atoms: Fine Grained and Two Residuals, January 2005
Juang, Der-Ming
Der-Ming Juang, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chen-Yu Lai, Ching-Chun Hsieh, Lee-Feng Chien, and Jan-Ming Ho, Resolving the Unencoded Character Problem for Chinese Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), June 2005
Ko, Ming-Tat
Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko, Jenn-Kang Hwang, Amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins, April 2005
Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Jen-Kang Hwang and Ming-Tat Ko, The amino acid-coupling patterns in thermophilic proteins, Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing, January 2005
Kuo, Yue-Sun
Y. S. Kuo, N. C. Shih, Lendle Tseng, and Hsun-Cheng Hu, Generating form-based user interfaces for XML vocabularies, ACM Symp. Document Engineering, November 2005
Lee, Der- Tsai
T. C. Lin and D. T. Lee, Randomized Algorithm for the Sum Selection, 16th Int'l Symp. on Algorithms and Computation, December 2005
Y. C. Wang, C. J. Chien and D. T. Lee, A Hybrid Adaptive Scheme of Fuzzy-Neural Iterative Learning Controller for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems, December 2005
T. L. Huang and D. T. Lee, Comments and an improvement on 'A distributed algorithm of delay-bounded multicast routing for multimedia applications in wide area networks', December 2005
C. S. Liao and D. T. Lee, Power domination problem in graphs, 11th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference 2005, August 2005
Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, D.T. Lee, Laurent Lin, Chin-Lin Peng, Shiang-Heng Chen, Chun-Yi Wong, Meng-Yuan Chou, and Tze-Chan, SinicView: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Comparison of Multiple Sequence Alignment Results, IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, August 2005
T. Y. Ho, Y. W. Chang, S. J. Chen and D. T. Lee, Crosstalk- and performance-driven multilevel full-chip routing, June 2005
Y. W. Huang, C. H. Tsai, T. P. Lin, S. K. Huang, D. T. Lee and S. Y. Kuo, A testing framework for web application security assessment, June 2005
Y. S. Chen, D. T. Lee and C. S. Liao, Labeling Points on a Single Line, June 2005
Y. L. Lin, J. D. Wei, G. C. Lee and D. T. Lee, A visualization tool for the sitemap of a knowledge portal and the concept map of group knowledge, 5th Int'l Conference on Knowledge Management, June 2005
李德財, 換發身份證與全民指紋資料庫之疑慮, May 2005, 2005.5.15
Liao, Mark
D. Y. Chen, H. Y. Mark Liao, H. R. Tyan, and C. W. Lin, Automatic Key Posture Selection for Human Behavior Analysis, IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing , November 2005
D. Y. Chen, H. Y. Mark Liao, and S. Y. Lee, Robust Video Retrieval Using Temporal MVMB Moments, KES 2005 LNAI 3683, September 2005
Liau, Churn-Jung
C.J. Liau and T.F. Fan , A modal logic for reasoning about possibilistic belief fusion, Proc. of the 19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence , July 2005
C.J. Liau and T.Y. Lin , Reasoning about relational granulation in modal logics, First IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing , July 2005
Liu, Jing-Sin
Jing-Sin Liu, Ju-I Kao and Yau-Zen Chang, Collision detection of deformable polyhedral objects undergoing identical and uniform vertex repositioning, 3rd Int. Conf. Computational Intelligence, Robotics, Autonomous Systems, January 2005
Liu, Tyng-Luh
Hwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh, Tone Reproduction: A Perspective from Luminance-Driven Perceptual Grouping, November 2005, (IJCV)
Yen-Yu Lin, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Hwann-Tzong Chen, Semantic Manifold Learning for Image Retrieval, ACM Multimedia, November 2005, (ACM MM, Best Student Papers Session)
Hwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh, Learning Effective Image Metrics from Few Pairwise Examples, International Conference on Computer Vision, October 2005, (ICCV)
Hwann-Tzong Chen, Huang-Wei Chang, and Tyng-Luh Liu, Local Discriminant Embedding and Its Variants, Conference computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2005, (CVPR, Oral)
Hwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Tien-Lung Chang, Tone Reproduction: A Perspective from Luminance-Driven Perceptual Grouping, Conference computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2005, (CVPR)
Yen-Yu Lin and Tyng-Luh Liu, Robust Face Detection with Multi-Class Boosting, Conference computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, June 2005, (CVPR)
Lu, Chun-Shien
Chun-Shien Lu and Chao-Yong Hsu, Geometric Distortion-Resilient Image Hashing Scheme and Its Applications on Copy Detection and Authentication, December 2005
H.-Y. Lin, H.-Y. Mark Liao, C.-S. Lu, and J.-C. Lin, Fragile Watermarking for Authenticating 3-D Polygonal Meshes, December 2005
Chun-Shien Lu, Jan-Ru Chen, and Kuo-Chin Fan, Real-Time Frame-Dependent Video Watermarking in VLC Domain, August 2005
Shih, Arthur Chun-Chieh
Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, D.T. Lee, Laurent Lin, Chin-Lin Peng, Shiang-Heng Chen, Chun-Yi Wong, Meng-Yuan Chou, and Tze-Chan, SinicView: An Interactive Visualization Tool for Comparison of Multiple Sequence Alignment Results, IEEE Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference, August 2005
Sung, Ting-Yi
Tzong-Han Tsai, Chia-Wei Wu, Chun-Nan Chi, Ding He, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, Biomedical Literature Mining: Technologies and IASL’s Experiences, The Workshop on the Sciences of the Artificial, December 2005
Hsin-Nan Lin, Jia-Ming Chang, Kuen-Pin Wu, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, HYPROSP II - A knowledge-based hybrid method for protein secondary structure prediction based on local prediction confidence, August 2005
Hsin-Nan Lin, Kuen-Pin Wu, Jia-Ming Chang, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, GANA – A Genetic Algorithm for NMR Backbone Resonance Assignment, August 2005
Wang, Bow-Yaw
Bow-Yaw Wang, Proving "m -Calculus Properties with SAT-Based Model Checking, 25th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems, October 2005
Bow-Yaw Wang, Specification of an Infinite-State Local Model Checker in Rewriting Logic, 17th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, July 2005
Wang, Chien-Min
C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, S.-F. Hong and H.-M. Chen, Experiences in Implementing a Java Collaborative IDE over the Internet, October 2005
H.-M. Chen, C.-C. Chang, J.-J. Wu, C.-M. Wang, and C.-C. Hsu, Towards a Service-based Collaborative Framework for Data-intensive Grid Applications, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, July 2005
C.-M. Wang, H.-M. Chen, G.-C. Lee, S.-T. Wang, and S.-F. Hong, A Tree-Structured Persistence Server for Data Management of Collaborative Applications, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, March 2005
Wang, Da-Wei
Tsan-Sheng Hsu, Kuo-Hui Tsai, Da-Wei Wang and D. T. Lee, Two Variations of the Minimum, January 2005
Wang, Hsin-Min
Hsien-Ting Cheng, Yi-Hsiang Chao, Shih-Liang Yeh, Chu-Song Chen, Hsin-Min Wang, and Yi-Ping Hung, An Efficient Approach to Multi-modal Person Identity Verification by Fusing Face and Voice Information, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME2005), July 2005
Wu, Jan-Jan
Y.-F. Lin and Jan-Jan Wu, Optimal Placement of Replicas in Data Grid Environments, Workshop on Grid Technology and Applications, December 2005
M.-B. Chen and T.-R. Chuang and Jan-Jan Wu, Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Scheme for 2D Delaunay Triangulation, June 2005