
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所






Smarter User Interfaces for Smart Mobile Devices

  • 講者陳彥仰 教授 (國立台灣大學)
  • 時間2012-12-21 (Fri.) 10:30 ~ 12:00
  • 地點資訊所新館106演講廳

Multi-touch user interfaces has sparked a new era in human-computer interaction, but the smart devices we use everyday are still not very smart in many ways. For example, today’s smartphones and tablets often rotate screens incorrectly, because they rotate screens based on gravity instead of users’ reading orientation.

In this talk, I will first present an overview of the evolution of user interfaces over the last 30 years. He will then present several enabling technologies that provide smarter user interfaces and explore future interaction possibilities, including tangible, tactile, and grasp-based interfaces:
  - TUIC: enabling tangible interaction on capacitive multi-touch displays.
   - Clip-on Gadgets: expanding multi-touch interaction area with unpowered tactile controls.
   - iRotate: automatic screen rotation based on face orientation.
   - iGrasp: Grasp-based adaptive user interface for mobile devices.



陳彥仰教授於 2010 年加入台大資工系,專注人機介面與行動裝置的研究。研究影響力被 Microsoft Academic Search 評為台大前 30 名,研究成果曾被 Discovery Channel, New Scientist, 與 Engadget 稱為 “Magic Hand” 與 “Future on Display”。
陳教授所成立的「行動與人機互動研究實驗室」成果也包括 2012 台灣駭客年會 (HITCON) Wargame 資安競賽冠軍,2011 育秀盃創意設計大賽冠軍,2011 通訊應用大賽行動政府獎,也曾於 2012 ACM SIGCHI Student Game Competition, 2011 龍騰微笑競賽,2011 App Star 高手爭霸賽,與 2012 趨勢科技雲端競賽中獲得前三名的佳績,以及 2010 開放原始碼創新應用大賽特優,和 2010 中華電信創新應用大賽冠軍。
陳教授於 2004 年取得柏克萊 (UC Berkeley) 資訊工程博士學位,並完成柏克萊商學院的科技管理學程。畢業後加入 Intel Research Seattle,專注行動運算與人機介面研究。2007年加入位於矽谷的創業團隊 Ludic Labs,結合雲端,行動,與商業應用,之後被 Groupon 併購成為核心技術平台。平時喜歡攝影、騎車、滑雪、潛水、烹飪、攀岩、及旅行。For more info, please see http://mikechen.com/