
中央研究院 資訊科學研究所




2006 著作目錄


Chen, Chu-Song (陳祝嵩)

  • Ping-Hsien Lee, Chu-Song Chen, and Wen-Yan Chang, On Automatic Collection of Multi-Angle Face Prototypes, November 2006
  • Yong-Dian Jian and Chu-Song Chen,, Second-Order Belief Propagation and Its Application to Object Localization, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, SMC 2006, October 2006
  • Jen-Hao Hsiao, Cheng-Hung Li, Chih-Yi Chiu, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chu-Song Chen, and Lee-Feng Chien, Effective Content Tracking for Digital Rights Management in Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2006, September 2006
  • Chih-Yi Chiu, Cheng-Hung Li, Hsiang-An Wang, Chu-Song Chen, Lee-Feng Chien, A Time Warping Based Approach for Video Copy Detection, Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2006, August 2006
  • Hsien-Ting Cheng and Chu-Song Chen, A Complementary Ordering Method for Class Imbalanced Problem, Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2006, August 2006
  • Wen-Yan Chang, Chu-Song Chen, and Yi-Ping Hung, Discriminative Descriptor-Based Observation Model for Visual Tracking, Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2006, August 2006
  • Chun-Rong Huang, Chu-Song Chen, and Pau-Choo Chung, Contrast Context Histogram – A Discriminating Local Descriptor, Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2006, August 2006
  • Cheng-Hung Li, Chih-Yi Chiu, Chun-Rong Huang, Chu-Song Chen, and Lee-Feng Chien, Image Content Clustering and Summarization for Photo Collections, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, ICME 2006, July 2006
  • Yu-Ting Chen, Chu-Song Chen, and Yi-Ping Hung, Integration of Background Modeling and Object Tracking, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2006, July 2006
  • Chia-Ping Chen and Chu-Song Chen, The 4-Source Photometric Stereo Under General Unknown Lighting, European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2006, May 2006
  • Pang-Hung Huang, Yu-Pao Tsai, Wan-Yen Lo, Sheng-Wen Shih, Chu-Song Chen, A Method for Calibrating a Motorized Object Rig, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2006, January 2006
  • Yong-Dian Jian, Wen-Yan Chang, and Chu-Song Chen, Attractor-guided Particle Filtering for Lip Contour Tracking, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV 2006, January 2006

Chen, Keh-Jiann (陳克健)

  • Li, Shih-Min, Su-Chu Lin, Keh-Jiann Chen, A Probe into Ambiguities of Determinative-measure Compounds, August 2006
  • Ming-Hong Bai, Keh-Jiann Chen, Jason S. Chang, Sense Extraction and Disambiguation for Chinese Words from Bilingual Terminology Bank, August 2006

Chen, Ling-Jyh (陳伶志)

  • Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Guang Yang, M. Y. Sanadidi, and Mario Gerla., Monitoring Access Link Capacity Using TFRC Probe, June 2006
  • Guang Yang, Ling-Jyh Chen, Tony Sun, Mario Gerla, and M. Y. Sanadidi, Smooth and Efficient Real-time Video Transport in Presence of Wireless Errors, May 2006

Chen, Meng Chang (陳孟彰)

  • Yu-Liang Liu, Yeali Sun and Meng Chang Chen, Traffic Engineering for Provisioning Restorable Hose-Model VPNs, September 2006
  • Chin-Hwa Kuo, Tzu-Chuan Chou, and Meng-Chang Chen, On the Approach of Automatic Adjustments for Gaussian-Mixture Clustering, June 2006
  • Yu-Liang Liu, Yeali Sun and Meng Chang Chen, MTRA: An On-Line Hose Model VPN Provisioning Algorithm, April 2006
  • Jeng Farn Lee, Meng Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Wanjiun Liao, Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for Weighted Maximum Rate Constrained Link Sharing Policy, March 2006

Chen, Sheng-Wei (陳昇瑋)

  • Kuan-Ta Chen, Polly Huang, and Chin-Laung Lei, Game Traffic Analysis: An MMORPG Perspective, November 2006
  • Kuan-Ta Chen and Polly Huang and Chin-Laung Lei, How Sensitive are Online Gamers to Network Quality?, November 2006
  • Kuan-Ta Chen and Chun-Ying Huang and Polly Huang and Chin-Laung Lei, Quantifying Skype User Satisfaction, Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM 2006, October 2006
  • Kuan-Ta Chen and Chin-Laung Lei, Network Game Design: Hints and Implications of Player Interaction, Proceedings of ACM NetGames 2006, October 2006
  • Kuan-Ta Chen and Chin-Laung Lei, Design Implications of Social Interaction in Online Games, Proceedings of IFIP ICEC 2006 (poster), September 2006
  • Kuan-Ta Chen, Jhih-Wei Jiang, Polly Huang, Hao-Hua Chu, Chin-Laung Lei, and Wen-Chin Chen, Identifying MMORPG Bots: A Traffic Analysis Approach, Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI ACE'06, June 2006
  • Kuan-Ta Chen, Polly Huang, Guo-Shiuan Wang, Chun-Ying Huang, and Chin-Laung Lei, On the Sensitivity of Online Game Playing Time to Network QoS, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2006, April 2006

Chien, Lee-Feng (簡立峰)

  • Jen-Hao Hsiao, Cheng-Hung Li, Chih-Yi Chiu, Jenq-Haur Wang, Chu-Song Chen, and Lee-Feng Chien, Effective Content Tracking for Digital Rights Management in Digital Libraries, Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2006, September 2006
  • Chih-Yi Chiu, Cheng-Hung Li, Hsiang-An Wang, Chu-Song Chen, Lee-Feng Chien, A Time Warping Based Approach for Video Copy Detection, Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 2006, August 2006
  • Cheng-Hung Li, Chih-Yi Chiu, Chun-Rong Huang, Chu-Song Chen, and Lee-Feng Chien, Image Content Clustering and Summarization for Photo Collections, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, ICME 2006, July 2006
  • Jenq-Haur Wang, Jei-Wen Teng, Wen-Hsiang Lu, and Lee-Feng Chien, Exploiting the Web as the multilingual corpus for unknown query translation, January 2006
  • Wen-Hsiang Lu, Lee-Feng Chien, His-Jian Lee, Anchor Text Mining for Translation of Web Queries: A Transitive Translation Approach, January 2006

Chuang, Tyng-Ruey (莊庭瑞)

  • Chia-Hsin Huang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Dong-Po Deng, and Hahn-Ming Lee, Efficient GML-native processors for Web-based GIS: Techniques and tools, 14th International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems , November 2006
  • Min-Bin Chen, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Jan-Jan Wu, Parallel divide-and-conquer scheme for 2D Delaunay triangulation, October 2006
  • Chia-Hsin Huang, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, James J. Lu, and Hahn-Ming Lee, XML evolution: A two-phase XML processing model using XML prefiltering techniques, Very Large Data Bases, September 2006
  • Andrea Wei-Ching Huang and Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Culture Atlas Infrastructure: A Participatory and Collaborative Perspective, The PNC 2006 Annual Conference and Joint Meetings, August 2006
  • Wen-Yin Chou and Tyng-Ruey Chuang, Government Publications and Public Licensing, April 2006
  • Yi-Hsuan Lin, Tung-Mei Ko, Tyng-Ruey Chuang, and Kwei-Jay Lin, Open source licenses and the Creative Commons framework: License selection and comparison, January 2006

Ho, Jan-Ming (何建明)

  • Kai-Hsiang Yang, Kun-Yan Chiou, Hahn-Ming Lee, and Jan-Ming Ho, Web Appearance Disambiguation of Personal Names Based on Network Motif, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-06), December 2006
  • Kai-Hsiang Yang, and Jan-Ming Ho, Proof: A DHT-based Peer-to-Peer Search Engine, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI-06), December 2006, p2p
  • Hsiang-An Wang, Guey-Ching Chen, Chih-Yi Chiu, Jan-Ming Ho, A Digital Video Archive System of NDAP Taiwan, international conference on Asian Digital Library(ICADL), November 2006
  • Kai-Hsiang Yang, Chi-Jen Wu and Jan-Ming Ho, AntSearch: An Ant Search Algorithm in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks(SCI), September 2006, p2p
  • Jeng-Wei Lin, Jan-Ming Ho, Li-Ming Tseng and Feipei Lai, IDN Server Proxy Architecture for Internationalized Domain Name Resolution and Experiences with Providing Web Services, February 2006

Hsu, Tsan-sheng (徐讚昇)

  • Cho-chin Lin, Da-Wei Wang and Tsan-sheng Hsu, Bounds on the Client-Server Incremental Computing, May 2006

Hsu, Wen-Lian (許聞廉)

  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Cheng-Lung Sung, Hong-Jie Dai, Hsieh-Chuan Hung, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu*, NERBio: Using Selected Word Conjunction, Term Normalization, and Global Patterns to Improve Biomedical Named Entity Recognition, December 2006
  • Min-Yuh Day, Chun-Hung Lu, Chorng-Shyong Ong, Shih-Hung Wu, and Wen-Lian Hsu, Integrating Genetic Algorithms with Conditional Random Fields to Enhance Question Informer Prediction, IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IEEE IRI 2006), September 2006
  • Wen-Ting Lin, Wei-Neng Hung, Yi-Hwa Yian, Kun-Pin Wu*, Chia-Li Han, Yet-Ran Chen, Yu-Ju Chen, Ting-Yi Sung*, and Wen-Lian Hsu,, Multi-Q: A Fully Automated Tool for Multiplexed Protein Quantitation, September 2006
  • Hong-Jie Dai, Hsieh-Chuan Hung, Cheng-Lung Sung, Min-Yuh Day, Wen-Lian Hsu, Chinese Word Segmentation with Minimal Linguistic Knowledge: An Improved Conditional Random Fields Coupled with Character Clustering and Automatically Discovered Template Matching, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI-2006), September 2006
  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Hsieh-Chuan Hung, Cheng-Lung Sung, Hong-Jie Dai, and Wen-Lian Hsu, On Closed Task of Chinese Word Segmentation: An Improved CRF Model Coupled with Character Clustering and Automatically Generated Template Matching, Proceedings of the Fifth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing, July 2006
  • Kuen-Pin Wu, Jia-Ming Chang, Jun-Bo Chen, Chi-Fon Chang, Wen-Jin Wu, Tai-Huang Huang, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, RIBRA-an Error-Tolerant Algorithm for the NMR Backbone Assignment Problem, March 2006
  • Ching-Tai Chen, Hsin-Nan Lin, Ting-Ying Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu, HYPLOSP: A Knowledge-based Approach to Protein Local Structure Prediction, February 2006
  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Shih-Hung Wu, Wen-Chi Chou, Yu-Chun Lin, Ding He, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu*, Various Criteria in the Evaluation of Biomedical Named Entity Recognition, February 2006

Hwang, Wen-Liang (黃文良)

  • Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Chung-Lin Huang, A Joint Source and Channel Coding Algorithm for Error Resilient SPIHT-coded Video Bitstreams, December 2006
  • Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang , and Chung-Lin Huang, Design Error-Resilient Multiple Substreams 3D Coder Including Receiver Post-processing in Analysis, Intl Conf on Image Processing, October 2006
  • Cho-Chun Cheng, Wen-Liang Hwang, Zuowei Shen, and Tao Xia, Subjective and Objective Comparison of Advanced Motion Compensation Methods for Blocking Artifact, September 2006
  • Wen-Yao Chen, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Tien Ching Lin, Planar Shape Prototype Generation Using a Tree-based Random Greedy Algorithm, June 2006
  • Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang , and Chung-Lin Huang, Error Concealment Protection for Loss Resilient Bitplane-Coded Video Communications, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2006
  • Jian-Liang Lin, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Soo-Chang Pei, Video Compression Based on Orthonormal Matching Pursuits, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2006
  • Liu-yuan Lai, Wen-Liang Hwang, Silong Peng, A Sampling-based GEM Algorithm with Classiffication for Texture Synthesize, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, May 2006
  • Jian-Liang Lin, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Soo-Chang Pei, Multiple Blocks Matching Pursuit Update Algorithm for Low Bit-rate Video Coding, March 2006
  • Chih-Ming Fu, Wen-Liang Hwang, and Chung-Lin Huang, Data-Aided Frame Timing Acquisition for Fractal Modulation in an AWGN Channel, February 2006
  • Jinn Ho, Wen-Liang Hwang, Henry Horn-Shing Lu, and D.T. Lee, Gridding Spot Centers of Smoothly Distorted Microarray Images, February 2006

Juang, Der-Ming (莊德明)

  • 莊德明, 如何利用風格碼解決古漢字的編碼問題, 第三屆中國文字學國際學術研討會, August 2006

Ko, Ming-Tat (高明達)

  • Han-Kuen Liang, Chia-Mao Huang, Ming-Tat Ko and Jen-Kang Hwang, A web-based tool for protein thermostability, Computational Systems Bioinformatics Conference,, August 2006
  • Jeng Farn Lee, Meng Chang Chen, Ming-Tat Ko and Wanjiun Liao, Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for Weighted Maximum Rate Constrained Link Sharing Policy, March 2006

Kuo, Yue-Sun (郭譽申)

  • Y. S. Kuo, Lendle Tseng, Hsun-Cheng Hu, and N. C. Shih, An XML Interaction Service for Workflow Applications, in Proceeding ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, October 2006

Lee, Der- Tsai (李德財)

  • Tien-Ching Lin and D. T. Lee, Efficient Algorithms for the Sum Selection Problem and K Maximum Sums Problem, Proc. 17th Int'l Symp. Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2006), December 2006, Research supported in part by the National Science Council under the Grants No. NSC-94-2213-E-001-004, NSC-95-2221-E-001-016-MY3, and NSC 94-2752-E-002-005-PAE, and by the Taiwan Information Security Center (TWISC), National Science Council under the Grant No. NSC94-3114-P-001-001-Y.
  • T. L. Huang and D. T. Lee, An iterative distributed algorithm for multi-constraint multicast routing, November 2006
  • J. D. Wei and D. T. Lee, Priority-based Genetic Local Search and its Application to the Traveling Salesman Problem, Proc. Sixth Int'l Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL'06), October 2006
  • M. H. Tsai, J. D. Wei, J. H. Huang and D. T. Lee, A Portable Geometric Algorithm Visualization System with Dynamic Camera Positioning for Tracking 3D Objects, ACM Symp on Computational Geometry, June 2006
  • M. Y. Chen, J. D. Wei, J. H. Huang and D. T. Lee, Design and Applications of an Algorithm Benchmark System in a Computational Problem Solving, Proc. 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, June 2006
  • Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, D.T. Lee, Laurent Lin, Chin-Lin Peng , Shiang-Heng Chen, Yu-Wei Wu, Chun-Yi Wong, Meng-Yuan Chou, Tze-Chang Shiao, and Mu-Fen Hsieh, SinicView: A visualization environment for comparisons of multiple nucleotide sequence alignment tools, March 2006
  • Jinn Ho, Wen-Liang Hwang, Henry Horn-Shing Lu, and D.T. Lee, Gridding Spot Centers of Smoothly Distorted Microarray Images, February 2006

Liao, Mark (廖弘源)

  • Y.H. Ho,C.W.Lin, J.F. Chen and H.Y. Mark Liao, Fast Coarse-to-Fine Video Retrieval Using shot-level Spatio-temporal Statistics, May 2006
  • H.Y. Mark Liao, D.Y.Chen C.W. Su, and H.R.Tyan, Real-time Event Detection and Its Application to Surveillance Systems, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 2006

Liau, Churn-Jung (廖純中)

  • T.F. Fan, C.J. Liau, D.R. LIu, and G.H. Tzeng, Granulation based on hybrid information systems, Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, October 2006

Liu, Jing-Sin (劉進興)

  • YRChien, JS Liu, Learning the Stylistic Similarity Between Human Motions, 2nd International Symposium on Visual Computing, November 2006

Liu, Tyng-Luh (劉庭祿)

  • Tien-Lung Chang, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Jen-Hui Chuang, Direct Energy Minimization for Super-Resolution on Nonlinear Manifolds, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, May 2006, (ECCV)
  • Hwann-Tzong Chen, Tyng-Luh Liu, and Chiou-Shann Fuh, Segmenting Highly Articulated Video Objects with Weak-Prior Random Forests, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, May 2006, (ECCV)

Lu, Chun-Shien (呂俊賢)

  • Chun-Shien Lu, Shih-Wei Sun, Chao-Yong Hsu, and Pao-Chi Chang, Media Hash-dependent Image Watermarking Resilient Against Both Geometric Attacks and Estimation Attacks Based on False Positive-Oriented Detection, August 2006
  • Shih-Wei Sun, Jan-Ru Chen, Chun-Shien Lu, Pao-Chi Chang, and Kuo-Chin Fan, Motion-Embedded Residual Error for Packet Loss Recovery of Video Transmission and Encryption, IS&T/SPIE: Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), January 2006

Shih, Arthur Chun-Chieh (施純傑)

  • Arthur Chun-Chieh Shih, D.T. Lee, Laurent Lin, Chin-Lin Peng , Shiang-Heng Chen, Yu-Wei Wu, Chun-Yi Wong, Meng-Yuan Chou, Tze-Chang Shiao, and Mu-Fen Hsieh, SinicView: A visualization environment for comparisons of multiple nucleotide sequence alignment tools, March 2006

Sung, Ting-Yi (宋定懿)

  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Cheng-Lung Sung, Hong-Jie Dai, Hsieh-Chuan Hung, Ting-Yi Sung* and Wen-Lian Hsu*, NERBio: using selected word conjunction, term normalization, and global patterns to improve biomedical named entity recognition, December 2006
  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Cheng-Lung Sung, Hong-Jie Dai, Hsieh-Chuan Hung, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu*, NERBio: Using Selected Word Conjunction, Term Normalization, and Global Patterns to Improve Biomedical Named Entity Recognition, December 2006
  • Wen-Ting Lin, Wei-Neng Hung, Yi-Hwa Yian, Kun-Pin Wu*, Chia-Li Han, Yet-Ran Chen, Yu-Ju Chen, Ting-Yi Sung*, and Wen-Lian Hsu,, Multi-Q: A Fully Automated Tool for Multiplexed Protein Quantitation, September 2006
  • Kuen-Pin Wu, Jia-Ming Chang, Jun-Bo Chen, Chi-Fon Chang, Wen-Jin Wu, Tai-Huang Huang, Ting-Yi Sung and Wen-Lian Hsu, RIBRA-an Error-Tolerant Algorithm for the NMR Backbone Assignment Problem, March 2006
  • Richard Tzong-Han Tsai, Shih-Hung Wu, Wen-Chi Chou, Yu-Chun Lin, Ding He, Ting-Yi Sung, Wen-Lian Hsu*, Various Criteria in the Evaluation of Biomedical Named Entity Recognition, February 2006

Wang, Bow-Yaw (王柏堯)

  • Ming-Hsien Tsai and Bow-Yaw Wang, Modular Formalization of Reactive Modules in Coq, 11th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference(ASIAN ’06), December 2006
  • Ming-Hsien Tsai and Bow-Yaw Wang, Formalization of CTL* in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions, 11th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference, December 2006
  • Bow-Yaw Wang, On the Satisfiability of Modular Arithmetic Formulae, 4th Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, October 2006
  • Bow-Yaw Wang, Modeling and Analyzing Applications with Domain-Specific Languages by Reflective Rewriting: a Case Study, 21st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, April 2006
  • Bow-Yaw Wang, Automatic Verification of a Model Checker by Reflection, 8th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages, January 2006

Wang, Chien-Min (王建民)

  • D.-R. Chen, C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Wang, Scheduling Real-Time Multi-Processor Systems with Distance-Constrained Tasks Using the Early-Release-Fair Model, November 2006
  • C.-M. Wang, S.-T. Wang, H.-M. Chen and C.-C. Huang, An Extensible Mechanism for Long-Term Persistence of JavaBeans Components, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java, August 2006
  • Y.-F. Lin, C.-M. Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu, Optimizing I/O Server Placement for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks, June 2006, URL: http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1138150.1138164&coll=portal&dl=ACM
  • C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, Efficient Multi-Source Data Transfer in Data Grids, Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid, May 2006
  • C.-M. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, P. Liu, H.-M. Chen and J.-J. Wu, Optimizing Server Placement in Hierarchical Grid Environments, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing, May 2006

Wang, Da-Wei (王大為)

  • Chia-Fen Hsieh, Bo-Jui Chang, Chyi-Huey Pai, Hsuan-Yi Chen, Jin-Wu Tsai, Yung-Hsiang Yi, Yi-Ting Chiang, Da-Wei Wang, Sien Chi, Long Hsu, and Chi-Hung Lin, Stepped Changes of Monovalent Ligand-binding Force during Ligand-induced Clustering of Integrin IIB3, September 2006
  • Da-Wei Wang, Chrun-Jung Liau, Yi-Ting Chiang, Tsan-sheng Hsu, Information Theoretical Analysis of Two-Party Secret Computation, Data and Application Security, July 2006
  • Cho-chin Lin, Da-Wei Wang and Tsan-sheng Hsu, Bounds on the Client-Server Incremental Computing, May 2006

Wu, Jan-Jan (吳真貞)

  • Y.-F. Lin, C.-M. Wang, and Jan-Jan Wu, Optimizing I/O Server Placement for Parallel I/O on Switch-Based Irregular Networks, June 2006, URL: http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1138150.1138164&coll=portal&dl=ACM
  • Y.-F. Lin, Z.-H. Kang, and Jan-Jan Wu, An optimal scheduling algorithm for an agent-based multicast strategy on irregular networks, International Conference on Grid and Pervasive Computing (GPC), LNCS 3947, May 2006, (Best Paper Nomination, regular paper acceptance rate 20%)

Yang, Bo-Yin (楊柏因)

  • B.-Y. Yang, C.-M. Cheng, B.-R. Chen, and J.-M. Chen,, Implementing Minimized Multivariate Public-Key Cryptosystems on Low-Resource Embedded Systems, the 3rd Security of Pervasive Computing Conference, June 2006
  • C.-H. O. Chen, B.-Y. Yang, and J.-M. Chen, Exploring the Limits of Lazard-Faugère Grobner Bases Methods, First Post-Quantum Cryptography Workshop, June 2006, Also presented at Taiwan Info. Security Conference ’06 Taichung